
Dates mean nothing. The poems are just ordered as I please. I believe I still have a mostly accurate account of dates elsewhere.

Monday, September 21, 2015

"The razor's edge"

I walk alone along the razor's edge
Two-sided, bare, and windswept ledge
To either side, the loss of celebration
Along the edge rides fear and hesitation
Towards the far horizon's sharp caprice
Is seen the scaled potentialities
I follow out along the razor's edge
And make a firm, uncompromising pledge
As many lives as it may deem to take
To get it right, the balance not to break
To keep the eye upon the razor's edge
And make of it an intransigent wedge
To make your heavens open to my will
The razor's edge, a reed on which to trill
A song that bleeds an infinite response
On the razor's edge I will ensconce


"My heart and the Lady Gaia"

The Lady Gaia blossoms every day

A flower opened wide, a wild bouquet

A fundamental revel of the essence

Revealed in life of brightest ray's florescence

Beyond the ken of thought and mind

Deep within your heart I find

A painting of the vistas, all the love and soul displayed

No compromise position, with no quibble and no trade

A charm encountered instantly holds heart since days long past

Nostalgia emanating from the spell of life you cast

A celebration when all thought of celebration gone

A drumming in the morning, as I celebrate the dawn

It fills my heaven's essences with a liquid, fragrant light

The qualities of floral substance wafts throughout the night

The words that ripple of the rays illuminating you

Sparkling, sharp reflections of the heart and morning's dew

The heart knew all about you; first encounter, open door

All eternity was spanned, all days and thoughts of yore

In one beat of life, the heart knew all it needs to know

The reveling of many lives revealed in single blow

The rest of me is catching up and still a bit perplexed

The adoration surges from each moment to the next

To relish all the sense of you, I ride eternal sleigh

For Lady Gaia's essences are newly formed each day

My heart just takes it all in stride

The rest of me, it slowly guides

I, along, just for the ride

Each new bit, the heart confides
