Saturday, February 1, 2025

Expressions (not a poem)

Original date Feb 2025

 Expressiveness (not a poem)

Your songs

Your voice

Your expressions

Your eyes

The colour of your eyes

Your ability to work with others to create music with such variety and impact.

Your enthusiasm for life without all of its glaring flaws

     ('ignoring' rather than 'without' might work better)

Thunderstruck, again.  This time totally blindsided by it, as well.  As I wrote the last line above, the purest expression of the split between the genders that you and I represent finally hit home.  Collision of many of my favorite topics.  Your expressiveness and intuitiveness; the personification of the best of the two genders; and fusion; there are more but they are minor.

It is not your (gender's) problem to resolve.  It is only your (gender's) problem to bear, since all of humanity is affected and the problem does not reside with you (or your gender).   You glide through it all with panache, even with all of the pain and midnight cries.  

I must say, though, that I love the Bene Gesserit option that I cooked up.  I am beginning to wonder if it is the only way we move forward.  I think the interpretation of "a man having balls" will be completely redefined once we become Human.  There is not a single man alive today that "has balls", in the traditional sense of the phrase.

It is the responsibility of my gender, which has never had the wherewithal (balls) to pull it off.  It took me a lifetime.  I sure hope I've made the cut.  I hope I've stirred the forces of Humanity to a pitch.  I should have some indication soon. (nope, the stupour holds, once again)

So, maybe I was wrong in ever trying to get you involved.  Can you blame me?  I found the one woman in the world that, intuitively, understood the situation perfectly from her gender's point of view.  

I was all alone.  I did not deserve that but there was no way to move forward, elsewise.  There was only one person that had what it takes in every way.

It was no less difficult for you to carry the woman's burden than it was for me to carry the man's.  But, the difference in loads is vast.  Mine has been far more alone.

How could I not desire to alleviate that situation?  It was the reason I sought answers, after all.  Alone is no fun at all.  How could I not reach out to the only person in the world that intuitively moved through life and understood her own gender's situation as well as I understood mine?  

How could I not seem crazy while simultaneously trying to figure out that which kept us from bursting forth into fusion?  Crazy as defined as not buying what humanity was selling.

I'd so love to explore the other ways in which you express yourself.  Maybe even initiate ignition into fusion in a small way.  I don't really expect to experience even a tremour of the coming change myself but, damn, it would be nice.  I think we both deserve it.

More on Fusion

We have always dreamed of things like mind-reading - to know what people were really thinking.  The fallacy, of course, is the belief that a mind cannot lie to itself.  The mind can lie to itself and that's where our whole problem resides that I have been chasing for a lifetime.  

    In some cases, and this is the ramparts that surrounds the problem, we don't even know we are lying to ourselves.  It is what we have been told for a lifetime.  But, somewhere deep inside of us is a lie detector.  Some lies just cannot remain hidden.  The lie that 'everything is just fine' is one of those and not the heart of the lies.  The heart of lies lies closer to the belief that any form of sex is making love.  Making love is sharing that pleasure.  That we cannot transform the act that is necessary for creation into an act of love sets off all the alarms in our lie detector.

    That is just one facet of Fusion.  Two minds that share a life begin thinking as one as life progresses.  Not because one mind is dominated into accepting the lies to save itself from the madness that will ensue if one seeks the truth.  Because two minds have shared in love in its physical form.  No more deception means clarity will prevail.

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