Tuesday, May 30, 2023

"Where away?"

Funny that I never posted this poem.  Other than any of the many, many, many poems that I wrote (maybe 800?) for the one that I adore, this may be my next favorite but, I'll admit, there are a few.  

Where away? √

Where away, my gentle one?  Where is it that you go?

Remember on your journey far one thing that you should know

This life can wear away those things that matter most of all

For if you are not careful, by the wayside they will fall

These precious things that are so rare, but so define a life

Can grind away beneath the stones of time and stress and strife

Of Honor, Soul, and Dignity, important things they be

Respect for all, disdain for none; with Heart, Integrity

And, Love, let's not forget the one that makes it all worthwhile

Such fragile, precious gems, they are, that wear away with guile

Hmmm, I was trying to peg when I wrote this.  It was very, very early in the 3rd Millennium.  2002?  Certainly well before I shed the corporate hounds.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

"Rainbow Knight"

 The Rainbow Knight

The Rainbow Knight, along the river, walked in prism dreams

The sun was shining on the ripples in chromatic streams

And, now, he pondered light and hue

Once more, the spectral sight in view

Of passion's willing ways

His stride was broken by a thought of life in toneless tale

At the thought, a pain was wrought, that heart and will would fail

The wind picked up and tossed the whim

The river washed it past the rim

To shores of pallid days

He felt, within his glowing heart, the end of burden's blight

The mystic gleam cast, from afar, kaleidoscopic light

And, with the rippled light between

A brilliance settled with a sheen

To set the world ablaze

Thursday, May 4, 2023

"Small breakthroughs"

 Small breakthroughs

It's funny how the smallest things in life reflect the large

And, how the microcosm shows the infinite in charge

A slight nuance, a subtle thing, is noticed as a change

It tumbles through the heart and soul, all life to rearrange

Inertia, foolish habits, come steamrolling through the day

But, just a nudge, the slightest push, consumes your every way

To move a mountain's easier than move the drone of life

To break apart mundaneness, live each moment well and rife

No foolishness, no coy belongs, no lack of will or sight

To move momentous mountain, you must push away the fright


 One face has faced infinity and revels in the ride

All ruts encountered on the way are taken slow, in stride

Another face of withered stare is on the other side

A burning deep impatience with no thought of fear or pride

The cry of reason stifles as the aching heart does smother

The winds of fate are weathered by the iron of the other

To pass through time, a ghost, the merest wisps of life and sense

While darkly lit, a whisper's heard, the mists, at once, condense

The faces fold, appear as one, the burden set aside

The ache is gone, the heart is one, the tears have all been cried



There have been times within my life that seemed so picturesque

That left my mind the imprint of a complex arabesque

A feel, a smell, or pattern left across the fields of mind

All senses well arrayed to swell the heart and later find

A vision, blinding, in its gift to take the breath away

Triggered by a sight or scent or song I seldom play

A song in heart that sings a sigh that only my heart hears

A surge of soul that slumbered deep across the spanning years

Perchance to wake at slightest hint of something in the past

And thunder through the senses fully wrought and fully massed

Like breath upon a window pane, the intervening years

The sun burns through the foggy view and silent, windswept tears

And brings it all back home again, head bowed, I softly kneel

It brings the will to heightened state of majesty and steel

Eternal sighs, again, might be a phrase that I could use

But, breathless, from the memory, is word that I would choose

Beauty binds a way of life that captures as it sends

It happens just so often now, I wonder what portends

A hint of things to come?  Of pure beauty's final race?

I staggerdrop and wonderfall at thought I might embrace

All of life, complete the dream, then, gone without a trace

"The Travelers"

 The Travelers

Once the day was folded up and, then, been put away

The travelers toasted final cup ‘fore ambling on their way

The weary Dream donned raincoat pale, the darkened road to face

Staid Principles' so well-worn cloak was slowly shrugged in place

They trudged along together then, at quite a lonely pace

Both broken rhyme and deepest ruts were oft the dismal case

Along the darkened road there stood gloom’s shadows here and there

The massive mound of rocks looked vaguely like a well-worn care

A tree of disappointment seemed like end of all that's known

They slowly moved together as they heard a ticking moan

But, what was that they saw ahead, a traveler on the road

They brightened just a little, then, for good he seemed to bode

Ah, bright Heart, in tattered tails, you comfort all you see

The aching back of Principles from bitter drudgery

And saddened eyes of tired Dreams that sheltered from the art

Did lose their pain, forevermore, in presence of great Heart


Voltaire can kiss my ass.  I knew what I was getting into.  Voltaire is a puff of wind.

Serendipity is the only way.  Perspective in everything.  Perspective is everything.

You'll have to take the reins someday.  Unbelievable number of entendres in that.  Almost infinite.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

" Transom"


Dulled by life's incessant lie

I give to heart another try

To light the fire that's nearly gone

Until a distant, transom dawn

Brings the light again

I just don't know what to do with this one.