Tuesday, May 30, 2023

"Where away?"

Funny that I never posted this poem.  Other than any of the many, many, many poems that I wrote (maybe 800?) for the one that I adore, this may be my next favorite but, I'll admit, there are a few.  

Where away? √

Where away, my gentle one?  Where is it that you go?

Remember on your journey far one thing that you should know

This life can wear away those things that matter most of all

For if you are not careful, by the wayside they will fall

These precious things that are so rare, but so define a life

Can grind away beneath the stones of time and stress and strife

Of Honor, Soul, and Dignity, important things they be

Respect for all, disdain for none; with Heart, Integrity

And, Love, let's not forget the one that makes it all worthwhile

Such fragile, precious gems, they are, that wear away with guile

Hmmm, I was trying to peg when I wrote this.  It was very, very early in the 3rd Millennium.  2002?  Certainly well before I shed the corporate hounds.

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