It matters
It matters what you want is all I have to say
That begat the problem that has held me in its sway
For the sake of new under the sun
Amidst the frolic, revel, and the fun
It matters if foundations, I provided
Or, train wrecks and my presence coincided
It matters that foundations of the heart become a whole
It matters, the transcendence of the lifetimes that were stole
The mighty majesty as clouds go tripping by
Behemoths of a size to fill the sky
It matters that we see it eye to eye
Instead of life remaining dotage waste
Hurried on along in mindless haste
Living of a lifetime's love held dear
It matters that we rid the eye of tear
The ache to share the love a lifetime long
Transforming ache to lyrics of a song
I'd rather sing the revel to the dawn
In which, decisively, the beast is gone
In matters of the heart, it all is minus
Until we share a life of loving finest
Throughout a lifetime is the way to share
With many; and no fault in loving care
In most intimate relationship of them all
The sharing of the love becomes the call
It needs to be we look each other in the eye
With a love that shakes the ground and sky
What matters is the sky begins to scream
In resolution that it's not only a dream
For all the ache, for all the pain and stress
Transcendence to the love, I must confess
Is all the answer that I'll ever need
To move along to revel in the deed
As the numinous began to stir
I raised my eyes, beheld the sight of Her
And heart began to rise
In sensing of Her precious love
From up above to thoughts thereof
She graced my loving Skies
To guide me on from dusk to dawn
To lay the song upon the lawn
And watch as weeping dries
No slightest doubt, no shorter route
With heart devout and feelings stout
I listen to the drum
I'll follow it for all my days
Through wickets wired to feel the craze
Upon our hearts, I strum
Ah, it's good to feel release
The loving arms will never cease
As empty as may be
To fill the arms, the final goal
The honest heart with loving role
A goal that keeps me free
To love You 'cross so many lives
Sends me, long, on deepest dives
With hearts in apogee
Defining life is still to come
The loving wrapped around the drum
The loving hearts set free
You are my intention
With life in abstention
I'll love you through all of the night
Until I can love you all right
The previous rhoem was written over a number of days lately, weeks really. I kept wanting to post it but, then, another stanza came along. I put it down and pick it right back up. Altogether, it took moments.
I kinda like it. It, essentially, flowed out of me in bits and pieces. It's like I caught fire, once again, from the blaze of a mind that I always sense, the blaze that has always warmed me. The blaze that I have written endless poems regarding.
And this is the poem and time that stirred me to take seriously the idea of sending you this book, once again. I don't know if I can do that. I would still feel like I intruding. ... It ends up I can't send it unsolicited, once again.
I also don't know if this will need rewrites. Probably. Maybe additions. That's unlikely, though. It also ends up I added a rhoem to the end.
I would dance with you anytime, anywhere. Give me any warning at all and I wouldn't even be too awkward about it at the beginning.
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