While shattering a life into its parts
Rearranging shards through loving arts
Swirling them to view within the eye
Only yours create a breathless sigh
To spin the barrel, gaze through swirling maze
In dizzy wonder cast before my gaze
The colours of the rainbow on display
Of images and sounds and words that play
I thank you for this gift that saw me through
The struggles of revealing something new
While shards of your Kaleidoscope abound
I cannot paint a picture of the sound
The voice rings out, evoking crystals that I spy
Creating spinning whorls before my eye
The spell entwined, coincident with images of you
Begins, again, eruption of the feelings that are due
And now I know I've known it all along
Kaleidoscopic voice that sings the song
Strums the deepest nuance of my heart
The lovely spectral views, its counterpart
The lyrics, like the voice that shatters glass
Kaleidoscopic fractals strewn en masse
Another whirlwind always stirring heart
The pieces of the whole that fall apart
Creates the shards of crystals in the eye
So, wondrous and heart-wrenching, do I fly
I'll detail not kaleidoscope revealed so long ago
Moving on to all the other shards of you I know
Each prism on its own that makes my heart careen
Combine in constellation and a panoramic scene
I drift upon the sounds and varied images of view
The sense of life, the soul of love, and peace I touch anew
No more to spout the depths of desperate longing that I strew
Kaleidoscope, a sea of depths beyond a stage review
The violin plays softly on the constellation's stars
Each note performed distinct as sensed in love's harmonic bars
Stained glass is scattered far from window pane
In multi-coloured hues of hurricane
A rainbow in the sky of clouds and rain
Kaleidoscopic symmetries remain
In all directions I still see the same
In symmetries, I recognize a name
Kaleidoscopes expand into cocoon
As growing sense of change is being strewn
In cryptic restlessness, the skies festoon
The butterfly emerges from typhoon
To far horizons, symmetries commune
In cavalcade of stars that sing in tune
All meaning held in phases of the moon
My heart transforms this gentle afternoon
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