
Dates mean nothing. The poems are just ordered as I please. I believe I still have a mostly accurate account of dates elsewhere.

Sunday, September 2, 2007


  That's it!  Out of the last hundred poems or so, many of which I had posted here before. there are  only two that I care to post once, again!  Even this one is a bit suspect!  I may go further back but the one's that were sent by post, I have no desire to repeat online.  It seems ... tacky of me to do so.


I thought I knew of rearrangement long ago

But, this, oh this, enough to stop the show

A rearrangement every way

No stone unturned, no moment stray

Converging thoughts have blown the lid

On all I was and all I did

No remnant from the past now holds me still

Each thought, each pulse, each gesture with a thrill

There is no scope for what this does portend

Nothing left to fight or to defend

All doors are opened wide, all life unpinned

All life's potentials carried on the wind

I blew apart what held me down before

Pinned its ears and kicked it out the door

Arranging pieces there, upon the floor

Choosing carefully, forevermore

All the pins and needles cast aside

That someone stuck in me to match their stride

But, galaxies are matched more to my gait

And, loving is my fundamental trait

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