
Dates mean nothing. The poems are just ordered as I please. I believe I still have a mostly accurate account of dates elsewhere.

Monday, September 21, 2015

"The razor's edge"

I walk alone along the razor's edge
Two-sided, bare, and windswept ledge
To either side, the loss of celebration
Along the edge rides fear and hesitation
Towards the far horizon's sharp caprice
Is seen the scaled potentialities
I follow out along the razor's edge
And make a firm, uncompromising pledge
As many lives as it may deem to take
To get it right, the balance not to break
To keep the eye upon the razor's edge
And make of it an intransigent wedge
To make your heavens open to my will
The razor's edge, a reed on which to trill
A song that bleeds an infinite response
On the razor's edge I will ensconce
