
Dates mean nothing. The poems are just ordered as I please. I believe I still have a mostly accurate account of dates elsewhere.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022



The tide that rides up to the shore

Brings sand to sprinkle and explore

The wash of deep momentum of the voice

In waves and waves of eloquence rejoice

Like sparkle in the sands upon the beach

Each lyric holds the heart within its reach

Dismaying as reflections of the sun

The way in which the body blows are spun



A wave upon the ocean and the pulsing of the tide

A rocking of foundation brings a whirlpool love astride

Windswept in commotion of a hurricane bestride

A surge of conjuration as the ardencies subside

The lunar pull that brings the whole 

To swing the sea aside 

Tsunami full, beyond the shoal

A never-ending ride

And, I love it.