
Dates mean nothing. The poems are just ordered as I please. I believe I still have a mostly accurate account of dates elsewhere.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

"The blend"

All the glory of the days

that I have never seen

Replacing all the endless frays

As wisdoms intervene

Smooth convergence, least resistance

A fountain plume of will's persistence

Exerts the soul upon existence

The path is opened for the Flow

The black of night turns into gold

Whispers through the winds of time

Passions glow

Spirits fold

And, whispers rhyme

The cheshire cat of smiles pervades

The spaces in between

As revel of the heart invades

Revealing rainbow's sheen

A wealth displayed at love's insistence

Perceived and, yet, remains a distance

Awaiting spinal fire's assistance

I hop a star, I'm off to send

No sense is there of where or when

A scintillation on a dime

Love I blend

In blazing zen

And, whispered rhyme