
Dates mean nothing. The poems are just ordered as I please. I believe I still have a mostly accurate account of dates elsewhere.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


 It really helps the revel magnify

Extends the explanations to supply

The simplest of the notions to comply

To revel on the Earth and in the Sky

The thoughts of two begin to multiply

Elucidation from the couple's sigh

Ahh! Another one that belongs elsewhere.  But, this will have to do.

"Worrier Warrior"

 I'm afraid I borrowed the phrase but I loved the concept from the first time I read it years ago.  It is so right.

Worrier warrior is that which I am

From method to madness and poetry slam

 I worry the details, each thought to explore

I wander amazement from ceiling to floor

Solipsistic endeavors or view to much more

Each syllable wrestled right down to the ground

Each accent is noted, the metric astound

Never in sight can the drudgery slay

Florescence of light and the will and the way

Well, that's more like it, but I have to stop.  That rush in this old heart.  Color me surprised to be writing poetry, once again.  I really missed it.  I hope it lasts.