Friday, February 28, 2025

Angel of the air and lunar light with blazing florescent wings

The sparrow and the lion


The sparrow and the lion


The sparrow and the lion*

The vastness of the vistas pass before my open eyes

The sweeping wings of sparrow swoons, upon the wind she cries

The lion lumbers through the land, a razing in his roar

For though the time keeps passing there's abundance left in store

The sweeping and the weaving of the wind across the plains

Tumbles through the lion due to time and wind and rains

So much more than ruffling through the lion's lustrous mane

Time has many aspects, but the ticking will remain

For while the pulsing of the clock goes on the same for all

The differences are looming with the impacts large and small

The sparrow and the lion roam the distances perceived

Across the span of distances both still are much deceived

The wing that brushes as it rushes through the falling wind

The paw that pounds upon the grounds, the roar will not rescind

The differences between the lion and the Sparrow's spree

On and on the wind and ground, through distance and debris

The sparrow lives a life that's full and lion follows suit

The Lion's paw upon the ground continues taking root

The Sparrow wings on through the wind as through her life she flies

Across and through disturbances that ripple through the skies

Separations stark and steep as distances in time

The Sparrow's song, the Lion's roar, the pulsing paradigm


Painted sky*

In weariness, the lion drags his paws

The conundrum held tight between his jaws

The trek across savannah carries on

The paradigms returning each new dawn

He struggles to renew the will and move

In silence of the plains, the life to prove

Fiercely, paws continue on the course

Shedding wisps of mane in deep remorse

Reflection of the brightly painted sky

Clearly seen within the lion's eye


The sparrow sits in beauty on a perch

In the eyes, the wellspring of the search

The path of flight to find the way on through

Complex drift of life the winds bestrew

Between the branch and leaf, the heart to broach

The unseen wind still batters the approach

The lion in a lair upon the ground

Looks out upon the world, the heart unwound


Sparrow sees the lion on the plains

So sweeps on cautious wing that wind sustains

Lion follows doom of heart to roam

Displayed in loving shades of monochrome

For each, the panoramas that they view

Adjust the route that wings and paws construe

To goal, the wings fly windward as they soar

The pads of paws still roaming hearts' dolour

The sun and the savannah*

Sparrow whisks towards luster of the sun

Savannah trek for lion just begun

Sparrow seeks for sun, the wings to reach

Lion, for the pride, the riddles, breach

Roaring of the lion's heart remains

The prominent explosion on the plains

Lion so begins savannah's run

Sparrow soars on towards the blazing sun


Monday, February 24, 2025

"Sky "


I lay upon a carpet of green grass

Contemplating sky and clouds that pass

As shades of white and blue go through my mind

So like the clouds, I drift along and find

That, once again, my thoughts have turned to you

Obscuring all that falls within purview

Ever-present loving saturates

I ponder thoughts of passion and the fates

Upon the drifting clouds, so soft and fair

Drifts these thoughts of deepest loving care

Heart goes with the clouds upon their travels

As the worried thought of heart unravels

Wind picks up and sighs with thoughts of love

Heart returns with feelings far above

Sun begins to set upon the day

Night begins to fondle interplay

The shining moon reflects your sweet demure

Twinkling stars emerge as feelings stir

Night of summer breeze so slowly passed

Light of newborn day is coming fast

Sun arises with a heartfelt sigh

In radiance of shining clear blue sky

Filling, once again, with love that I

Give back unto the morning's open sky


By my own strictures, I shouldn't be posting this one.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

"Do I miss you?"

 Do I miss you?

As the Earth would miss the sun

Or butterfly its wings

Like sea would miss its water

Or you would miss your rings

As the sky would miss the blue

And bee would miss its sting

I've missed you through and through

From that moment in the spring

When your golden voice did sing

And images did ring

The heart did spring

You always leave my heart amazed

Saturday, February 22, 2025

"Bomb squad"

 Bomb Squad

Like a skittish colt on Sunday morning

Or, a bomb squad just receiving warning

Blood that burns like lava flowing rock

A mind like cheapest jewelry out for hock

Is me in your presence

I don't know why but I really, really like this one.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

This Round

 A swim against the tide

It seemed like strong tsunami all the while

A wave so high

There was no sky

But, still, 'tis done. with elegance and style

Sixth Sense

To seek the sixth sense, we must seek beyond senses

The five are combining with genders and tenses

The mind of the Human exceeding the bound

Reaching fulfillment from sky to the ground

One more life.  I feel certain it is sound.

All for you

All for you, my artful one

It is as it should be

The life endured, so like the sun

With flares of agony

The time will come to end the pain

That you and I  absorb

Empathetic, endless rain

The lashes leave a score

We reacted as each gender so defined

Reflecting into mirrors of the mind

Merger leaving nothing left behind

We move on in the love to the divine

I pondered Gaia as I wrote these lines

I think I misconstrued what it defines

Fusion equals Gaia

Once again, I say ya

I'll love you through the length and breath of time

Oh, the ache, to fill the gap

Between your arms and mine

It's coming soon, a tip of hat

To life that is divine

Initiation of engagement in this time 

Would also be divine.

Emergence into glimmered light 

Would brace the end so fine

finally!  something had been building in me for the longest time.  it was like the words were stuck somewhere begging to get out.


The puzzle

So vast in all its complexity

i lost all sense of perplexity 

As blinders left the eyes

No longer seen as conundrum

Both life and love in singing strum

Between two lungs of sighs

As genders meet as equals

Prehumans, just the prequels

We take on wings to fly

i swear, just as i convince myself it's time to move on, the rhoem state of mind settles in and clarity improves!  unbelievable!  it can't last.  it is exhausting on my own and, now, i know why.  i am quickly approaching the cliff where there is no other point.

just getting weirder and weirder.  the difficulty i have always had with writing rhoetry, as if it was necessary to force it out, is, at least temporarily, gone.  I won't last very long if the exhaustion returns.  Until then, i'm back to a state i have not encountered since my teens or twenties.  as if all life is blooming.

as i ruminate further, i realize refining rhoems is easy.  it is the initial step that is so exhausting.  it is when the creation is initiated.  it shouldn't be so difficult and it won't be.

now, finally, i know the reason you have had me bouncing off the walls for the last nine years.  you are the only one that can express this all from the feminine perspective with the elegance, grace, lyricism, and love that is you.  it's all about the harmony.  you already know that to a finer degree in more dimensions than anyone else could ever imagine.

i know it goes against your grain.  that probably means it will require another lifetime that initiates in love without detraction to finally close on our Humanity.

i am so sorry that i presented such a frantic, manic persona to you.  i was driven to not hide a thing from you.  i didn't even know why.

the feminine perspective needs to come forth.  maybe that's for another lifetime.  maybe, actually, fusion must come first.  i am uncertain.

the puzzle requires an extraordinary Woman to initiate the next step.  maybe it will also take an extraordinary life, from start to finish.  i think i've explained the whole perspective pretty well in missives, rhoems, sketches, prose, music, and any other form of creation i could lay my hands on.

anything further done on my own would be superfluous. it is not complete until the sense of the feminine gender is expressed.

what i hear has never changed.  a deafening silence.  i may follow it's advice.

i would send this to you by the other route but, if you have not been reading ASP and Avalanche all along, then the next step is meant to be for another time and place, for certain.   
