
Dates mean nothing. The poems are just ordered as I please. I believe I still have a mostly accurate account of dates elsewhere.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Angel of the air and lunar light with blazing florescent wings



Down through the ages

With life in its cages

I get that you may feel

No trust within your zeal

Get a life, you once said

As if I were already dead

Your anguish I can understand

The way in which you to take a stand

A different guise that women inhabit

The chasm between the wolf and the rabbit

Both turned into lion, in our case

No remiss from cryin' at our pace

My trust is implicit in you

Fun-loving at heart

From end to the start

My way has had to be earnest

I'd toss it all in the furnace

If not for the dribble and drool

That humanity clings to as tool

The end of that is now in view

The tension and attraction that has thundered through our past

No need to replicate it as the future has been cast

Into a loving memory

Ground by ages' emery

Providing human implications vast

The maunderings of animals outclassed

I've said it all before

In fractured days of yore

The fusion is a circumstance

A revel and an endless dance

The lightning strikes

As loving spikes

We leave the past behind

The poles of tension

That I mention

You and I defined

Brings to life a human way

Into the depths of love we stray

Existence reassigned

As fusion is aligned

The limbs are intertwined

No conquering in mind

At last, it is we find

The loving underlined

All because of you and me

There is no difference in our crying

Ages passed and still we're trying

Just one more

To write the score

Into a loving set in which we're free

Saturday, October 5, 2024

"Fusion too"

Fusion too

When I feel a fusion coming on

When it feels like life from dusk to dawn

And dawn to dust

Then, I'll know the answers I have sought

For riddled three millennia we wrought

And, answer from the dawn unto the dusk

Is fusion of a like ne'er seen again

The veil of tears is gone and we remain

Heck, there may be a third.  Yes, I know that the traditional religious phrase is vale of tears.  The fact is veil of tears.  And, yes, not my best rhoem.  The subject matter alone makes it tolerable.

" Fusion"


When I feel the fusion 

We awaited, oh, so long

I feel no vast confusion

But, a feeling oh, so strong

It is the way in which

A wizard and a witch

Confound the message from the past

That leaves all life and love aghast

Amidst the loving plain

To thunder of the fire and lightning

Find horizon ever brightening

Fusion leaves no pain

A challenge at this point in time

A reminiscence worth the climb

Of future lives to come

A worthy effort, take a stand

Craggy rocks will fade to sand

Amidst the rolling drum

To see each other in the night

No darkness shows but only light

Be-sparkling the room

There is no dark when nothing's hidden

Well worn heart is there forbidden

'Tis loving on the loom

This is the way that, I, to you

Recover all my rectitude

A fusion in the offing

You hear me lightly coughing

As I roll my eyes

I've been trying to figure a way through the weeds

Avoiding all of the forestry's needs

Loving as fusion describes the effect

The loving becomes effusion's affect

Saturday, September 14, 2024



A strength resides upon love's grace within eternal halls

No force of time or man can ever breach these sturdy walls

Upon the rampart's walk, impatience stirs, the passion calls

Across the land, the spell as winter's blight of guilt enthralls

But, slowly, now, enchanted land gives way to life and Spring

The crocus blooms, the squirrels romp, and birds begin to sing

The memories retain their force, the glistening returns

The sun upon the dew-filled land evaporates concerns

Despair and all its pitied ilk no longer hold them fast

Discoveries of life and love, the endless vistas vast

The land is well renewed as all the panic now subsides

Upon the mount of memories, the heart so boldly rides

From keep and through the gate, they canter through the broader world

To flowers thrown, and lances raised, the pennant is unfurled

Time has reinforced the colours of this endless love

The gifts are clear, the end is seen, the heart does rise above

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

" The Wonder of Her"

 The Wonder of Her

The wonder of Her I do not know

But, oh, so dearly, wish it so

Her magic ripples through the air

The wonder of it leaves you bare

But, oh, I wish it so

To say that She is made of lace

Fulfilled in elegance of grace

Begins the loving, slow

I know, deep down, the wonder lies

That I would never compromise

But, oh, to revel in Her grace

Raise the tide to loving pace

Is all that I would know

This may need work.  I wrote it in a moment, just a few moments ago.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Happy Birthday 2024

 Happy birthday 2024, My Gypsy Empress

You spread your wings and fly beyond all bounds

Of  strictures held by all relentless hounds

You glisten in the morning of new dawn

I pray you love until all wind is drawn

The passion of the moment turns to passion everlasting

Beyond the bounds and scope of life's tremendous casting

My vision has been focused on your love deserved

In presence of spectacular delight as lightly served

As selfless as can vastly be construed and still retain 

The sanity so necessary midst the pouring rain

Don't worry, I don't cry that much

Immensity of time and such

Assures me we connect

All lives in retrospect

I'll love you all eternity, I celebrate each ray

When time arrives in which we both will sing and play

Excitement all I care to feel

Anticipating love so real

Let the hardened armour deliquesce 

Enough for interchange to acquiesce

Happy Birthday 2024

 Happy Birthday 2024, Artful Dodger

Unto the day, impatiently I wait

For wonder that will come to celebrate

I always start on poems way too soon

In restless state beneath the summer moon

This year is different in degree

I start this poem in the lee

Of winter's frost

The wind picks up the song of celebration

Sends it off in high anticipation

Across the sea, the plains, and mountain ranges

Echoes all your grace that never changes

Amidst the forest rumour flies

From the flowers to the skies

Of heart embossed

Wings are spread as angels seek the ground

Flutters stilled as angels seek the sound

Of ache and love that only one can sing

Deep body blows midst revelries that ring

Sunday, July 28, 2024



I couldn't ask for more from you than what you always gave

The thrill to life, amidst duress, you caught the wind to stave

I'll woo, again, another day

When that wind is on its way

That has always been the need

When you and I and life are freed

While wooing you in ages past

Intent was always but to cast

My life as yours in all the lives 

Through all of it, this heart still thrives

Both future and those lives well gone

Awaiting always the new dawn

Of love as it is spread

From heart unto the head

Before us like a golden field

In which you never need to yield

But love me only because I deserve it