Monday, December 30, 2024



Resplendent in a hurricane of lace

Bedecked in piles of elegance and grace

She walks upon the wind in her attire

To take the steps of life amidst the fire

The wonder of her wizardry, it seems

Is best displayed amongst transcendent schemes

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Happy Birthday 2024

 Happy Birthday 2024, Artful Dodger

Unto the day, impatiently I wait

For wonder that will come to celebrate

I always start on poems way too soon

In restless state beneath the summer moon

This year is different in degree

I start this poem in the lee

Of winter's frost

The wind picks up the song of celebration

Sends it off in high anticipation

Across the sea, the plains, and mountain ranges

Echoes all your grace that never changes

Amidst the forest rumour flies

From the flowers to the skies

Of heart embossed

Wings are spread as angels seek the ground

Flutters stilled as angels seek the sound

Of ache and love that only one can sing

Deep body blows midst revelries that ring

Friday, December 27, 2024

"Mountain mists"

Mountain mists

The swirling mountain mists enshroud the quiet majesty

Enclosing all the trails and joy of pomp and pageantry

The solemn vows are hidden 'neath the cap of each dewdrop

The pinnacle revealed in light as mist departs the top

The rumble of the mountain can be heard both far and wide

The pain of rocky remnants tumble down the mountainside

The tumble scatters risks down on the trails on which we ride

No shelter can be taken with no place in which to hide

The mist in mountain's shadow cloaks the rumbles deep inside




Like soft summer showers that light up the skin

Like warm, gentle touch of the loving within

So smooth, like the wash of the sea on the sands 

Like jagged chain lightning ignites as it lands

Like two-twenty volts made of satin and lace

Like rockets exploding and gone without trace

The smoothness erupts and the shock comprehends

That loving will last as each heartbeat transcends



The briskness of a winter morn

The warmth of summer breeze

First light of day as it is born

A sigh among the trees

For Woman

Daffodils in garden growing

Falling leaves of color

Lovely as a freshet Flowing

All of life is fuller

With Woman

The wind that sings from far above

The heart that moves us on

The engine of unending love

That brings about new dawn

You are woman



As the morning turns to fall

I find the answer that I always knew

I'll love you right or not at all

You certify the answer remains true

I'd like to say

It is my way

But, that would be the greatest nonsense of all time

To think that I

Hold more than sigh

Is nothing but the barest folly set in rhyme

I've struggled on

From dusk to dawn

Only since you would not have it any other way

Make no mistake

I know the quake

If heart's desire were served before the day

That doesn't mean

My heart's not keen

To have you, even though I know the score

That life with damaged love is such a bore

That skin on skin is wonderful

But, not enough to light the dull

Long years of love gone wrong

You know it's not my will or way

With slightest impulse, I would stray

Into your arms, forevermore

It is you that I adore

In pain until the door

Is opened wide

And, in, with loving stride

We move on through the ages

It seems a conundrum, it's true

For I must find the way on through

It still is just because of you

You keep me going on until it's true



While shattering a life into its parts

Rearranging shards through loving arts

Swirling them to view within the eye

Only yours create a breathless sigh

To spin the barrel, gaze through swirling maze

In dizzy wonder cast before my gaze

The colours of the rainbow on display

Of images and sounds and words that play

I thank you for this gift that saw me through

The struggles of revealing something new


While  shards of your Kaleidoscope abound

I cannot paint a picture of the sound

The voice rings out, evoking crystals that I spy

Creating spinning whorls before my eye

The spell entwined, coincident with images of you

Begins, again, eruption of the feelings that are due

And now I know I've known it all along

Kaleidoscopic voice that sings the song

Strums the deepest nuance of my heart

The lovely spectral views, its counterpart


The lyrics, like the voice that shatters glass

Kaleidoscopic fractals strewn en masse

Another whirlwind always stirring heart

The pieces of the whole that fall apart

Creates the shards of crystals in the eye

So, wondrous and heart-wrenching, do I fly

I'll detail not kaleidoscope revealed so long ago

Moving on to all the other shards of you I know

Each prism on its own that makes my heart careen

Combine in constellation and a panoramic scene

I drift upon the sounds and varied images of view

The sense of life, the soul of love, and peace I touch anew

No more to spout the depths of desperate longing that I strew

Kaleidoscope, a sea of depths beyond a stage review

The violin plays softly on the constellation's stars

Each note performed distinct as sensed in love's harmonic bars

Stained glass is scattered far from window pane

In multi-coloured hues of hurricane

A rainbow in the sky of clouds and rain

Kaleidoscopic symmetries remain

In all directions I still see the same

In symmetries, I recognize a name

Kaleidoscopes expand into cocoon

As growing sense of change is being strewn

In cryptic restlessness, the skies festoon

The butterfly emerges from typhoon

To far horizons, symmetries commune

In cavalcade of stars that sing in tune

All meaning held in phases of the moon

My heart transforms this gentle afternoon

"Under The Sun"

The flower blooms in brightness of the sun

Remarkable complexity to stun

High functioning exotic lightly spun

Always leaving me a bit undone

Amazingly, She's new beneath the sun



In praise of a woman with wonderful eyes

Transforming expressions forever arise

The sweetest component, to ne'er realize

Her songs of the heart mesmerize

My celebration of her heart sustained in will and fire

The lifetimes will be many, driven by my heart's desire

To find new ways to celebrate the loving of that heart

And mesmerizing way she has from finish to the start

The whirlwind of emotions that cascade along her skin

It is my goal to circumvent the armour and the din

Monday, December 23, 2024

"Empress' ways"

 Empress' Ways

Every time I leaf on through the layers

As I ponder all the sundry players

There is no doubt within my mind

In every channel, bound in kind 

The Empress gets it right

She raises standard, leads the way

Into forays, she leaves at bay

The paltry and the fight

She fails to signify her grace

No thought thereof, without a trace

As my heart begins to race

I guess she feels she stumbles

As life begets the rumbles

As all of mankind humbles

Recovering the grace

Thursday, December 19, 2024



Crafted from the cosmos, mingled colors on the run

Venting cosmic teardrops, sparkling diamonds in the sun

Living chips away each day to bring more rays to light

To craft Kaleidoscope that is unrivaled in delight

This is no mere combining of a barrel and some chips

Something more's been added to the whirling as it trips

Gigantic to the minuscule, the measures never change

The tumbling of the diamond chips will always rearrange

All variance that crafts arrays of love that moves the soul

If you reel in close enough, take time to see the whole

It seems I cannot help but be enamoured by your light

The sparkling incandescence midst the blazing of the night

Like warmth upon the brow of blinded beast beneath the sun

Like flame that fills the emptiness as revel is begun

I sought the charm with every sense, but, once I was enchanted

A traipsing vagabond across the darkness has been  granted

A glimpse of something more

A tempo beat, a measured score that changes on a whim

Beneath the dark, a blaze betrays a brilliance as prelim

To ever-changing note and key, excuse me my delight

In ever-coruscating Flow of radiance so bright

I could not ask for more
