
Dates mean nothing. The poems are just ordered as I please. I believe I still have a mostly accurate account of dates elsewhere.

Sunday, July 28, 2024



I couldn't ask for more from you than what you always gave

The thrill to life, amidst duress, you caught the wind to stave

I'll woo, again, another day

When that wind is on its way

That has always been the need

When you and I and life are freed

While wooing you in ages past

Intent was always but to cast

My life as yours in all the lives 

Through all of it, this heart still thrives

Both future and those lives well gone

Awaiting always the new dawn

Of love as it is spread

From heart unto the head

Before us like a golden field

In which you never need to yield

But love me only because I deserve it

Monday, July 15, 2024

" Vanishing point"

 Vanishing point

Bursting along in the fire of cadenza

Flame of the heart reignites in Firenza

The wisp of the trails of the whirlwind remain

To empty the seats in applause for the reign

Of the grace in this life and a way to anoint

This moment in time through the vanishing point




Crafted from the cosmos, mingled colors on the run

Venting cosmic teardrops, sparkling diamonds in the sun

Living chips away each day to bring more rays to light

To craft Kaleidoscope that is unrivaled in delight

This is no mere combining of a barrel and some chips

Something more's been added to the whirling as it trips

Gigantic to the minuscule, the measures never change

The tumbling of the diamond chips will always rearrange

All variance that crafts arrays of love that moves the soul

If you reel in close enough, take time to see the whole

It seems I cannot help but be enamoured by your light

The sparkling incandescence midst the blazing of the night

Like warmth upon the brow of blinded beast beneath the sun

Like flame that fills the emptiness as revel is begun

I sought the charm with every sense, then, once I was enchanted

A traipsing vagabond across the darkness has been  granted

A glimpse of something more

A tempo beat, a measured score that changes on a whim

Beneath the dark, a blaze betrays a brilliance as prelim

To ever-changing note and key, excuse me my delight

In ever-coruscating Flow of radiance so bright

I could not ask for more


Monday, July 1, 2024

"Blazing sun"

 Blazing sun

Sometimes I think I wander through the woods

Of mind in desperate thought of do's and could's

Because I've ached for many lives before

To love you deeply midst the written score

Of wonder of the cosmos that is sealed

By loving so transcendently revealed

As in the love of two becoming one

That blazes in the night as blazes sun