
Dates mean nothing. The poems are just ordered as I please. I believe I still have a mostly accurate account of dates elsewhere.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

" Always, always the bright side"

 Always, always the bright side

I wonder at times if I've needed this ache

This emptiest feeling of furious fire

The lifetimes of rampage with worlds still at stake

Due to internal furnace of flaming desire


It seems apropos that the madness it caused

Would drive me to stand against all of the odds

To seek out the sources and all of the flaws

To peer without flinching at bombast and gods


I wish that I knew without question or doubt

Those words from your lips were for me

That revel in ending would quench the last drought

And lift to the last, bel esprit


There may be more.  This is as far as I could get without exploding.

All it ever takes is listening to your voice for just a moment.  All of the ache returns to the amplified levels of a supernova.

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