
Dates mean nothing. The poems are just ordered as I please. I believe I still have a mostly accurate account of dates elsewhere.

Monday, December 4, 2023

"Learning to be myself"

 Learning to be myself

A lesson I learned early, you must like that which you see

I stared into a mirror, liking every bit of me

Not the mirror, caused the quake

But, all of life was still at stake

So, mirror image left behind 'til now

Antics of an animal were not the killing cause

The lesson that I had to learn before I took a pause

When the past had been requited,

Blur became in focus

Now that blind become insighted

I change my base of locus

I changed the where and how

I turn my head from thoughts of past

That heavy weight, inertia massed

To ponder something more

At first, the thought that caught my mind

To seek the awe of man refined

But, now I know the score

The heart, in agony, cried out

No more the sturdy, studied, stout

The mind has always led the way

The heart cries out to learn the sway

Bursting forth from regions now unknown

The heart cries out to touch the mage's stone

To learn to be myself without the chain

Remitting all of life from pyre and pain

The heart will lead the way

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